Quick Start PlantUML for Confluence

Quick Start PlantUML for Confluence

To Edit an Existing Macro: If you're working with an already inserted 'PlantUML Diagram' macro, begin from Step 5 in this guide for a quick and easy update process.

Follow these easy steps to add the 'PlantUML Diagram' macro to your Confluence Cloud page:

  1. Create or Edit a Page: Click on the '+' button to create a new page or choose an existing page and click on 'Edit'.

  2. Open Macro Menu: Once you are in the page editor, click on the 'Insert more content' button, represented by a '+' symbol, usually located at the top or the end of the editor.

  3. Find the Macro: In the dropdown menu, select 'View more' to open the macro selection menu. Here, type 'PlantUML Diagram' into the search bar and press Enter.

    Alternatively, you can quickly add a macro by typing '/' on your keyboard while in the editor, followed by 'PlantUML Diagram'. This will show you the 'PlantUML Diagram' macro in a dropdown. Click on it to add it to your page.

  4. Add the Macro: You will see the 'PlantUML Diagram' macro in the search results. Click on it to add it to your page.

  5. Edit the Macro: Upon adding the 'PlantUML Diagram' macro, a default diagram will appear. To edit this, click on the diagram and select the pencil (✏️ Edit) icon that appears.

  6. Insert Diagram Code: Upon clicking the edit icon, a sidebar will open on the right side of your screen. In this sidebar, you'll find a field to input your PlantUML code. Here, type in the code for your specific diagram. If you're new to PlantUML or need a refresher, visit our Quick Start Guide to PlantUML. Additionally, you have the option to add a brief caption to your diagram in the provided caption field.

  7. Publish Your Page: After inserting your diagram, finish your edits and click on 'Publish'. The 'PlantUML Diagram' with your diagram will now appear on the published page.

And voila! You've successfully added a PlantUML Diagram to your Confluence Cloud page. Happy diagramming!


Notice: Please refer to our Data Security & Privacy Statement for 'PlantUML for Confluence' before using the 'PlantUML for Confluence' app to ensure the safe handling of your data.