Tips and Tricks - PlantUML

Tips and Tricks - PlantUML

Getting started with PlantUML might seem daunting, but with these practical tips and tricks, you'll be up and running in no time!

1. Take Advantage of Predefined Colors and Styles

Don't know the exact color you want to use? No problem! PlantUML has several predefined colors you can use in your diagrams. For example:

skinparam backgroundColor Orange skinparam classBackgroundColor PaleGreen

2. Use Arrows to Show Direction

PlantUML allows you to use different arrow types to depict various relationships in your diagrams. For example, you can use --> for a one-way relationship and <--> for a two-way relationship.

3. Label Your Relationships

Make your diagrams more informative by adding labels to your relationships. You just need to add a colon (:) followed by the label text after your arrow. Like this:

User --> (Click) : Generates Event

4. Group Elements Together

Sometimes, you might want to group related elements together. You can do this with together keyword:

together { Class1 Class2 }

5. Use Note Blocks for Additional Information

To add extra information to your diagrams, you can use note blocks:

note right of Class1 This is an important class! end note

6. Don’t Forget the Legend

If your diagram gets complex, use a legend to help explain the different elements:

legend **Blue** - Current state **Green** - Future state endlegend

7. Save Time with Shortcuts

PlantUML offers shortcuts that can save you time. For example, you can use (start) and (end) to quickly define start and end points for a sequence diagram.

Remember, with 'PlantUML for Confluence - Instant Diagrams from Text', you can directly apply these tips in your Confluence pages, making your diagram creation process quicker and more fun. Happy diagramming!